Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rubygame Tutorial 3 & 4

Note: Tutorial for 3 and 4 of the Rubygame book are now located here and here.

Rubygame book part 3 and part 4 are out!

Part 3 is simply setting up the controller class, which will be where all the game happening will take place. Part 4 is where you get to learn about using the clock to regulate the game speed. It also shows how to modify the titlebar to fit your purpose. In this case, we are displaying the FPS information.

If you're not already following the tutorial, start from the beginning as the series built on previous work on the game code.

Lastly, if you have any question, comment, bug report, and suggestions, please comment!

If you don't like the way I wrote the tutorial, you could alway fork my tutorial, since it is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution.

A little request: Please vote up the FSDaily story for my tutorial.

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